Well its amazing what some good moisturiser and sleep can do!!
Now I want to take the opportunity to ramble on about winter care for your blooms and plants. As things cool down and we unpack the jumpers for another year we should not neglect our flowers or flowering indoor plants. Your flowers will last longer in the cooler weather but you need to be mindful that they still need to be recut when you get them home and pop them into a clean vase with luke warm water and a splash of bleach. The water should also be changed on a regular basis and the stem recut again. Your blooms will drink more water if you have the heating on so keep an eye out. Keep the flowers out of drafts and away from the reverse cycle aircon and direct sunlight.
As your skin will be feeling the drying effect so will your indoor plants. They still need water in winter just not as much. Once the plant has totally dried out it is on the way out and rewetting the soil can be a nightmare. Clients with our orchid bowls should ensure that the moss is damp - not wet. It is also a good time to give the leaves of your indoor greens a clean to remove any dust and impurities which have built up over the warmer months. I also give everything a good misting with a liquid fertiliser after cleaning - I use a very weak fish emulation to the colour of a Latte in a spray bottle I got at Coles. It seems to perk them up and keeps them looking good. You can also spray the leaves with white oil for a shinny finish. I do the same thing at the shop when the plants come in from the growers. Clients with palms and madonna lilies can put the whole plant into the shower for a good clean and flush out - think tropical storm.
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